March 31, 2025

The United States Postal Service (USPS), also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service, is responsible for providing postal service in the U.S. People rely on the services of USPS when it comes to sending or receiving mail items or packages. If you are someone who uses the services of USPS often then you must be aware of the USPS Holidays 2024 Schedule. There are few holidays which are observed by the USPS, the link of US Postal Service Holidays 2024 is shared here.

United States Postal Service Holiday 2024

Here is a complete List of USPS Holidays in Year 2024.

MondayJan 01, 2024New Year’s Day
MondayJan 15, 2024Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
MondayFeb 19, 2024Presidents’ Day
MondayMay 27, 2024Memorial Day
WednesdayJun 19, 2024Juneteenth
ThursdayJul 04, 2024Independence Day
MondaySep 02, 2024Labor Day
MondayOct 14, 2024Columbus Day
MondayNov 11, 2024Veterans Day
ThursdayNov 28, 2024Thanksgiving Day
WednesdayDec 25, 2024Christmas Day

Important Note: If a holiday falls on a Saturday, for most USPS employees, the preceding Friday will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes.

USPS Post Office Holidays 2024

USPS delivers mail items or packages from Monday to Saturday in ordinary circumstances. USPS holidays are the days on which the USPS does not operate i.e. you cannot go to the post office or access customer services. However, you can access the USPS online website as normal. Please note that anything you schedule online will be for the next available working day.

Below you can see the USPS Holiday Calendar for the year 2024. All the holidays are marked with square box.

USPS Holiday Calendar

Calendar Source:

Common FAQs

How many US holidays are there in 2024?

There are a total of 11 U.S. Federal Holidays on the official 2024 calendar i.e. New Year’s Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

When Does USPS Not Deliver?

In normal circumstances, USPS will not deliver on any of the following days:

  • Sundays (throughout the year)
  • Christmas Day (25th of December, federal holiday)
  • Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November, federal holiday)
  • New Years Day (1st of January, federal holiday)
  • Memorial Day (Fourth Monday of May, federal holiday)
  • President’s Day (Third Monday of February, federal holiday)
  • Veterans Day (11th of November, federal holiday)
  • Columbus Day (Second Monday of October, federal holiday)
  • Labor Day (First Monday of September, federal holiday)
  • Independence Day (4th of July, federal holiday)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Third Monday of January, federal holiday)

Please note that some of the holiday dates are fixed while the other are floating. Make sure to keep a check on the floating holiday dates for each calendar year.


People who are using the mail services of the USPS are required to keep a check on the USPS holidays and plan their shipment accordingly. Holidays does affect the delivery days, therefore, make sure to be aware of the holidays and send your mail item accordingly.

Be aware of the days on which the Postal Company does not send any mail (except ‘Priority Mail Express Service’).

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